Can a healthy gut microbiome make you more resilient?

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New research examines the relationship between the gut microbiome and a person’s ability to manage stress. Design by MNT; Photo by STEVE GSCHMEISSNER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images & Serge Filimonov/Stocksy
  • A new study suggests a strong link between a healthy gut microbiome and greater resilience in the face of stress.
  • A healthy gut results in lower levels of inflammation and more reliably produces important neurotransmitters.
  • The relationship between gut and brain is also bidirectional as bad psychologically driven eating habits can affect gut health.
  • Experts say the best way to maintain your gut microbiome is with a healthy diet, plenty of sleep and physical activity.

Many experts refer to stress as an epidemic as it can damage mental and physical health if not managed.

According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America 2022 report, stress largely immobilized 37% of adults in the United States that year, making them unable to accomplish many basic daily tasks.

In the 2023 APA survey, chronic stress among Americans had increased from 31% reported in 2019 to 45% reported in 2023.

Resilience is a quality that allows a person to respond to stress more effectively through an acceptance of the level of change, persistence and the ability to recover from difficult events.

A new UCLA study finds that people who are resilient in the face of stress tend to have healthy gut microbiomes. The strong link between gut health and the brain underscores the complex interplay between multiple organs and systems within the human body.

The study was published in Mental Health Nature.

For the study, researchers from the Goodman-Luskin Microbiome Center at UCLA surveyed 116 people about how resilient they felt in the face of adversity.

All participants provided a stool sample to the researchers and, a few days later, underwent fMRI brain scans to examine activity in different brain regions. Stool samples from the most resilient individuals had fewer inflammatory bacteria and showed signs of strong integrity in their gut barrier.

One of the goals of the study was to diverge from previous research investigating the negative impacts of an unhealthy gut on the brain by looking at things from a positive angle.

The authors say their findings suggest a complex interplay between the gut and the brain, in which resilience benefits psychological, emotional and cognitive function.

The researchers used the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CDRisc) to assess the endurance of the study participants. The scale allows participants to record their degree of persistence by answering 25 questions, with one of five responses ranging from 0 (not at all true) to 4 (almost all the time).

Five areas comprise resilience in CDrisc:

  1. Personal competence, persistence and having high standards.
  2. Trusting one’s instincts and tolerance to the negative and reinforcing effects of stress.
  3. Positive acceptance of change and having secure personal relationships
  4. Control.
  5. Spiritual influences.

For US residents, the average CDRisc score is 80.7.

Several key connections between the gut and the brain help explain their effect on each other. Before explorative has found that the gut microbiome can regulate anxiety levels.

Our understanding of the relationship between how the gut microbiome can influence anxiety is still evolving, but this study highlights a new link to our resilience.

“The health of your gut, the integrity of the bacteria that’s present basically will affect how healthy the gut lining is, whether it’s inflamed or not,” David Merrill, MD, PhD, a geriatric psychiatrist and director of the Center of Brain Health at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute, CA, explained Medical News Today. Merrill was not involved in the study.

When the gut becomes inflamed, it can become “leaky” and less effective at retaining and absorbing nutrients.

“Chronic inflammation is linked to various mental health disorders, and reducing inflammation can help support improved brain function and emotional stability,” noted Michelle Routhenstein, RDN, a preventive cardiology nutritionist at , not included in the study.

There is also a direct connection between the gut and the brain along the vagus nerve that directly connects the two.

Through this “superhighway,” the gut delivers to the brain short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced through the fermentation of dietary fiber in the digestive system.

“SCFAs play an important role in maintaining gut health and may have beneficial effects on brain function and mood regulation. They help promote the production of beneficial neurotransmitters and help reduce inflammation in the brain,” said Routhenstein.

Among these neurotransmitters are serotonin and dopamine. Approximately 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut, as is 50% of dopamine.

The gut-brain connection is a given, Merrill said. “If you feel like you’re unemployed and you don’t think it’s worth taking care of, you’re going to eat junk food and all the processed foods and you’re going to have pathological bacteria, so your gut is going to fall apart,” Merrill. pointed out.

Routhenstein’s tips for gut health began with diet:

“Eating a variety of fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains can support a healthy gut microbiome. These foods not only nourish your body, but can also improve stress management by providing essential nutrients essential for optimal health, energy and productivity.”

She also recommended including foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics that “help feed beneficial gut bacteria.” These are found in specific vegetables, such as

Following a consistent and sufficient sleep routine is equally important for gut and mental health as disrupted sleep is linked to higher levels of stress. Physical activity also supports gut health and its well-known benefits for overall health.

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